Section Memoriser - The Public Procurement Act

Section 12

Prequalification to be Determined

Section 9

Procurement to be made by Inviting Open Bid (Section 9)

Section 19

Withdrawal and Modification of Bid

Section 28

Two-Stage Bidding

Section 29

Consultancy Services May be Procured

Section 5A

Approval to be Obtained(Section 5A)

Section 8

Procurement Method to be Selected (Section -8)

Section 3

Procurement to be made as per this act

Section 7

Responsibility for Procurement Activities (Section 7)

Section 11

Process and Stage of Bidding

Section 20

Validity Period of Bid

Section 24

Non–procession of Bids

Section 4

Description of Goods, Construction Works and Services to be Prepared

Section 17

Deadline for Submission of Bids or Prequalification Proposals

Section 22

Opening of Bids

Section 25

Evaluation of Bids

Section 26

Rejection of Bids or Cancellation of Procurement Proceedings

Section 5

Cost Estimate to be Prepared

Section 18

Method of Submission of Bids

Section 21

Bid Security

Section 30

Short List to be Prepared by Soliciting Expression of Interest Openly

Section 6

Annual Procurement Plan and Master Procurement Plan to be Prepared (Section 6)

Section 6A

Inventory to be Maintained (Section 6A)

Section 23

Examination of Bids

Section 10

Qualification of a Bidder or a Proponent

Section 13

Bidding Documents to be Prepared

Section 14

Invitation To Bids

Section 15

International Level Bidding

Section 16

Clarification as to Unclear Matter on Bidding or Prequalification Documents

Section 27

Acceptance of Bid and Procurement Contract

Section 31

Soliciting Proposals