Classification of Industries - IEA 2076


Aadesh Kandel,

Last Updated: 2022-07-23


Classification of Industries

Micro EnterprisesCottage IndustriesSmall industriesMedium Industrieslarge industries
1. Fixed capital not exceeding 2 million (20 lakhs excluding house and land)1. Traditional skill and technology1. Other than micro and cottage industries with fixed capital upto 15 crores1. Fixed capital of 15-50 crores1. Fixed capital of more than 50 crores
2. Entrepreneur is directly involved in Management and operation2. labour-oriented and based on specific skills or local raw materials and local technology, arts and culture

3. Maximum 9 Workers (including entrepreneur)3. Industries prescribed in Annexure - II

4. Annual transaction is less than 1 crore

5. capacity of engine equipment doesn't exceed 20 KW4. Capacity of electric engine to be consumed by the engine, equipment or machine upto 50 KW

Corporate Law

Published By

Aadesh Kandel

Category : Corporate Law

