Refusals - BAFIA


Aadesh Kandel,

Last Updated: 2022-07-21


Refusal to grant Prior ApprovalRefusal to issue license
1. Proposed name is undesirable in view of public interest, religion, communities, nationalities1. Seems to have adverse effect on the financial system, fair competition and trustworthiness
2. the incorporation of the BFI is technically inappropriate2. Cannot be issued for the protection of the interest of investors
3. Objectives are contrary to the prevailing laws3. infrastructure is not completed
4. the feasibility report provided doesn't provide reasonable ground that the proposed BFI can carry out banking and financial transaction 4. other conditions
5. All the promoters have not signed, name of witness not set out.
6. Per person share investment limit and share ownership proportions as prescribed by NRB is not fulfilled
7. against policy issued by NRB
8. Other conditions
Section 4(3) - Prior Approval Denied to those Punished under Banking offence/Cheating, fraud, forgery/financial investment in money laundering and terrorist activities/corruption related offence/Serious nature offences and regulatory actions taken by NRB

Published By

Aadesh Kandel

Category : Law

