Similar Provisions in the Insurance Act


Aadesh Kandel,

Last Updated: 2022-07-21


Non-Renewal of Certificate of the InsurerNot to be registered as an Insurer
1. Balance Sheet Not Submitted 1.Name Resembles With another Insurance Business
2. Statement of PL not Submitted2. wants to operate both Life and Non Life insurance
3. Actuary Report Not Submitted3. Paid up capital requirement not met (2 billion/1 Billion)
4. Audit Report Not Submitted4. Board has made a decision not to register additional corporate body on the basis of report regarding to the study and research and evaluation of the insurance business market
5. Service Charge Not Paid
6. Prohibited to Carry out insurance activities (Ban as per Section 12 A)

Ban to Be imposed on the Insurance BusinessCancellation of Registration
1. Unable to follow the Directives issued by the Board1. Fails to operate within 6 months of Obtaining registration
2. Provided Loans to Director, His/her Family members or a body corporate where such persons are Managing Agent or partner or providing guarantee to such person2. Liability exceeds the Assets
3. Fails to Provide intimation of dealing with director/family members or such body corporate as above3. fails to pay the liability as directed by the court
4. Fails to maintain accounts and records4. if the head office of the insurance business is situated outside Nepal and Nepali insurers are not provided the same facility as the Foreign Insurer
5. Fails to maintain Separate Accounts5. If the insurer doesn't open office in Nepal
6. fails to maintain the Capital Fund6. functions not performed as per the act
7. Fails to maintain compulsory reserve fund
8. Assumes the risk without accepting Premium
9. Fails to Reinsure as prescribed


Published By

Aadesh Kandel

Category : Law

